Як отримати здорові нігті - Поради та відноситься

admin | жовтень 18, 2015 | дієтичні здоров'я

Приймаючи хороший догляд за нігтями можуть відображати не тільки на хорошій гігієни, але також від вашого загального стану здоров'я. Здорові нігті виглядають рожевими, гладкою і навіть у формі. Запущеному для нігтів може вказувати на погане обслуговування здоров'я або ознака хвороби, що розвивається. This article talks about different nail characteristics and their associated health conditions and the much needed tips on how to get healthy nails.

how to get healthy nailsFingernails and health signs

The overall condition of your nails tells a lot about your health – even the things we are not aware of and the things we lie about. The texture, shape and color of the nails are good indicators of health and sickness.

  1. Weak, Brittle Nails

When your nails break easily, constantly split or peel off, it may be that they’ve been exposed to too much manicure substances – acrylic nail polish, gel wraps and others. Brittleness is also related to advancing age or vitamin deficiency (A, C and biotin).

  1. Beading

Ever noticed beaded ridges like wax drippings on your nails? This is an indicator of possible thyroid conditions, hormonal changes, stress and diabetes mellitus. This sign is not conclusive of a specific disease, so other symptoms and lab findings will determine the diagnosis.

  1. Spoon nails

Your nails are normally convex in shape, but when a drop of water sits on top of you nail rather than sliding off, it is spoon nails.

This might indicate iron deficiency, heart disease or hypoactive thyroid gland. Iron is needed to allow for adequate blood supply to our fingers. A deficiency in this mineral can be remedied by proper nutrition and/or iron supplementation. Hypothyroid and heart diseases may need more medical work up from an endocrinologist and cardiologist.

  1. Beau’s Lines

These appear as deep horizontal depressions across the nail bed similar to the ones you get from direct trauma to the nail (like slamming your finger in a door). Beau’s line is a sign of uncontrolled diabetes and circulatory problems.

  1. Yellow Nails

A yellow tinge on your nails is common after peeling off dark nail polish. But it can also be a sign of a more serious condition such as psoriasis and nail fungus. Yellow nails can also be a stain acquired from long term smoking – a sign that can be observed by health providers even if you make a point to deny this unhealthy lifestyle.

If the yellow tinge is cleared by manicure, it’s just because of dark polish. But if the condition persists accompanied by pain, it may be caused by a fungus (onychomycosis).

  1. Dark Vertical Bands

If you notice dark lines running from the base of your nails to the tip, they might indicate benign moles or a malignant melanoma. The vertical bands are fairly common for dark skinned people, проте. But if the lines change or darken, they might be indicative of deadly skin cancer so consult a dermatologist immediately.

Tips for healthy nails

  1. Give your nails a break!

Sure you want matching nail polish for your OOTD, but make sure to let your nails rest. Dark polish leave yellow stains on your nails so make sure to alternate dark colors with light one. Better yet, have a week free of polish so that your nails can breathe. Stay away from the salon so you won’t get tempted. Frequent use of hand and nail conditioner (olive oil will do) will help replenish the lost moisture and keep the nail beds from drying.

  1. Professional nail care

Don’t be scrimpy when it comes to nail care. Keep your nails free of ingrown with regular sessions with a certified professional so you avoid infection (from contaminated tools).

Keeping your nails short is much preferred so they are easier to care for. But for those who feel naked without lengthy, square and stylish nails, keep in mind the abovementioned tips to keep your nails strong and beautiful.

  1. Base coat is important.

The base coat protects your nails from dark polish which “cooks” your nails yellow.

  1. Glove up

При виконанні домашні справи або будь-яке завдання, яка включає агресивні хімікати, в гумових рукавичках буде тримати ваші нігті і кутикулу, захищені. Навіть пральний порошок може викликати сухість, так тримати руки в рукавичці свої.

  1. Тримайте їх зволоженою.

Хімікати, які ми використовуємо для наших нігтях головного винуватця для сушіння їх. Польські видалення, як ацетон або на основі формальдегіду викликають нігтів, щоб бути крихкими. Кращим варіантом є видалення на основі ацетату, так як це менш суворим і не викликати сухість.

Також, Є багато комерційних кремів, щоб зберегти свою руку і нігті зволоженими. Якщо на бюджеті, Ви можете використовувати оливкову олію і вазелін для досягнення того ж ефекту.

  1. Перевірте і лікування інфекції.

Жовті нігті зазвичай викликається грибком. Грибок процвітає на тепле і вологому середовищі. Ви можете уникнути інфекції за допомогою тапочки, коли в роздягальні спортзалів або басейнів, щоб уникнути зараження мікроорганізму з, можливо, забруднених мокрі підлоги. Good hygiene – washing and complete drying of hands and feet – will help eliminate fungi. Treated socks (with silver and other compounds) keep your feet dry and kill off microorganisms. These are the best choice, especially if you’re on the active side (an athlete or someone who just likes to keep moving about).

Nail fungus (more commonly affects toes than hands) is tricky to treat. Topical application and oral fungicide will be needed to treat the fungal infection. Some cases might need complete removal of the affected nail, so that a new and healthy nail may grow in place.

  1. Avoid injury

When you jam your finger on a door, it might cause more than just a dent. Serious cases impede circulation on your nail and cause it to die. Some injuries, проте, are not as sudden and may remain unnoticeable up until a full-blown unhealthy nail condition arises. Incorrectly fitting shoes press too tightly on your toenails. Prolonged exposure may cause nail death or even infection.

Foods for healthy nails

Much like any part of our body, our nails need good nutrition to keep them healthy. Here is a list of foods and vitamins for healthy nails:

  • Milk – it is rich in Zinc which promotes healthy nails.

  • Vitamin B complex – it is utilized in the production of Keratin ( the major component of hair and nails). Three (3) mg of Vitamin B daily will keep your nails in top shape. Banana, potatoes, liver and tuna are natural sources of B viamins.

  • Vitamin A – it can be obtained from yellow or orange vegetables such as carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. Green, leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are also good sources of Vitamin A. Animal sources like butter, eggs and milk also provide good amounts of the vitamin.

  • Vitamin C – it can be obtained from oranges lemons and strawberries.

  • Vitamin E – good sources include green, leafy vegetables, margarine and oils.

  • Essential fatty acids (EFA) – most people who undergo slimming diet forego intake of fats. This results in having dry, brittle hair and nails. EFA (omega 3 and omega 6) are obtained from flax seeds and fish.

If you are suffering from weak nails and bones tryORIGINAL SILICEA LIQUID GEL” . This amazing mineral Silica for beautiful skin and hair, stronger nails and bones, cellulite aid and more! You’ll have lustrous hair, luminous skin and healthier nails. Silicea gel is an excellent source of silicon which is a trace mineral in silicic acid. If silicic acid acid is missing, the connective tissue loses it’s elasticity and becomes unstable- wrinkles and cellulite becomes evident in such cases, including weak nails and hair, тьмяною шкірі і більш.

Турбота про нігті не просто подвиг. Зробити це в звичку слідувати порадам і з'їсти рекомендовані лікує зберегти ваші нігті здоровими, як вони можуть бути.

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