oktober 27, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Jetra so drugi največji telesni organ in izvaja različne procese, ki so škodljiva za naše preživetje in dobro počutje. Vloge, da ima naša jetra v našem telesu so krvni razstrupljanje, skladiščenje vitaminov in železa, proizvodnja žolč, pretvorba sladkor spojin v enostavnejši za
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september 30, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Dlake rastejo različno za vsako žensko. Nekateri imajo tanek in lahek rast na zgornji ustnici in bradi, ko pa lasje postanejo težke in brada podobno - lahko dobili neprijetno in moteče.
Kaj povzroča las ženski obraza?
Rast dlak na obrazu kaže aktivacijo sekundarnega
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september 26, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Žleza ščitnica ima osrednjo vlogo pri uravnavanju naš metabolizem ali nastajanja in uporabe energije v telesu. Zdrav metabolizem omogoča dobro nevrološko funkcijo, mišični in skeletni rast in splošno dobro počutje.
Ko se ščitnice zaostaja izločati triiodothyronin (T3) in / ali
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Avgust 26, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
You might be wondering about the effectiveness of so many food supplements that are now becoming popular and available online.
One of which is the white kidney bean extract phase 2.
It is also known as Phaseolus vulgaris.
You might also be interested to know where to buy white kidney bean extract an
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June 26, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Iodine is an essential mineral for the body.
It plays a vital role in the synthesis of thyroid hormones which are responsible for the regulation of the body’s metabolism and growth.
Much like everything that makes up the human body,
too much or too little of iodine is not good.
Too little of iodin
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June 17, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
The human body is generally designed to be homeostatic.
Most of the essential nutrients it needs can be produced by the body,
given that it has sufficient sources of energy. Vendar,
the substances that the body needs are not created out of thin air;
it requires the intake of several vitamins,
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June 6, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Iodine supplements provide vital minerals for a wide range of functions in your body.
It regulates the functioning of various parts of your body,
and so any slight deficiency can be fatal.
Goiter is the most popular condition associated with iodine deficiency. Vendar,
the human body is not capable
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maj 3, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
mleko Čičak, imenovan tudi silimarin, je cvetenju rastlina povezana z ambrozijo in daisy družine. Nekateri ljudje tudi pogosto sklicujejo nanj kot na sveto osat in Mary osat. Mleko Čičak je po rodu iz sredozemskih držav.
Kaj je Milk Thistle?
mleko Čičak,
scientific name Silybu
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maj 2, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Coral calcium is basically calcium carbonate,
and is popularly utilized in the form of dietary coral calcium supplements.
Coral calcium is mined from the coral reefs and is usually ground into a fine powder and subjected to heat.
Initial scientific research suggests that coral calcium,
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april 29, 2015 | Zdrava hrana Dodatek
Curcumin is a component of the popular spice turmeric.
It is what gives this spice its yellow color.
Aside from being useful as an additive to give dishes a distinct and tasty flavor,
natives of Southeast Asia and India use this for medicinal purposes.
This may seem like quackery at first,
but scien
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