September 30, 2016 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Whether you're trying to have a baby, jau grūtniecība, iet cauri menopauzes, vai uztraucas par osteoporozi,
it's worthwhile for you as a woman to consider the importance taking a multivitamin to create and maintain optimal health.
But why would you want to take a supplement if you can get all you
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decembris 4, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Ja jūs meklējat veselīgu veids, kā zaudēt svaru un vairāk, tad lai šis raksts jūs iepazīstināt ar vienu no populārākajiem bagātinātāji, svara zudums visā pasaulē.
Konjugētā linolskābe.
This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid which is considered as a natural type of Trans fat and cont
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novembris 19, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Ja Jums ir kādreiz bijusi sajūta, ka pārāk noguruši, pat ja jums ir bijusi laba 8 stundu miegs naktī pirms, vai arī, ja Jums ir bijušas īpašas grūtības ejot augšup un lejup pa kāpnēm, neskatoties uz to, jums ir fiziski vesels,
perhaps you are experiencing a lack of iron
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novembris 5, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Zarnu kustības vai process iet izkārnījumi ir organisma veids, kā novērst cieto atkritumu produktus saviem dažādu orgānu. Veselīga persona parasti pārceļas savu zarnu pēc katras lielas ēdienreizes vai smagā pārtikas uzņemšanu.
The body is expected to eliminate majority of the food that comes into the
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October 18, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Taking good care of your nails may reflect not just on good hygiene,
but also on your overall health condition.
Healthy nails appear pink,
smooth and even in shape.
Uncared for nails may indicate poor health maintenance or a sign of a developing illness.
This article talks about different nail chara
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September 1, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
One of the most essential nutrients in the human body is biologically active sulfur.
It helps in maintaining the person’s youthful appearance and energy.
As the human body ages,
it becomes stiff while the cells become rigid.
The person’s overall energy also tends to greatly decelerate.
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August 25, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Through the years,
many people have been searching for the true fountain of youth.
In their journey of finding the key to ageless beauty,
some have resorted to various natural and surgical cosmetic procedures.
One of which is the use of hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid is a type of carbohydrate whi
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April 26, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Krill are tiny crustaceans known as food of whale sharks,
baleen whales,
and mantas.
The oil from a species of Antarctic krill called Euphausia Superba is extracted and formulated into nutritional supplements.
They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids,
rare antioxidants like astaxanthin,
and phospholipid
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April 22, 2015 | Uztura veselības papildināt
Smoking is a habit that is just too hard to break.
Smokers cannot be blamed entirely if they find it difficult to quit because there are chemicals present in cigarettes that make a person addicted to it. Tāpēc,
if you are finally able to ditch that pack of cigarettes,
give yourself a pat on the
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