체중 감소를위한 Juicing – 혜택
admin | 유월 5, 2015 | 체중 감량을 위해 술에 절어체중 감량을 생각할 때마다 다음과 같은 측면을 생각합니다.:
1. 무엇을 먹을까?
2. 얼마를 먹을까?
3. 신체의 올바른 기능에 필요한 영양소를 얻을 수 있습니까??
4. 어떤 식 으로든 건강에 해를 끼치나요?? There is one solution which has very less side-effects and which is actually recommended by many nutritionists – JUICING!
What is juicing and it’s benefits:
Juicing is the action of drinking pure juices of important fruits and vegetables instead of cooking them. 보통, juicing is to be carried out for a few days till your system feels refreshed and ready to begin anew. Let us take a look at the benefits of juicing:
*You get all the healthy and essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in proper amounts
*You can promote your health by taking in the essential nutrients instead of consuming harmful junk food
*It helps in detoxification of the whole body
*It strengthens the immune system, regulates the metabolism and purifies the blood
*It is much easier and convenient to drink juices rather than eating them cooked
*It is even more easier and convenient to actually prepare the juices rather than cooking them
*It cleanses not only your body but also your mind by giving you peace and relief from ailments
How to go about juicing:
STEP 2: Go and buy fresh fruits and vegetables from the market
STEP 3: Carefully wash them in warm water and also wash the juicer properly before every use
STEP 4: Make delicious and nutritious juices and drink to your heart’s content
Which fruits and vegetables to consider for juicing:
The major advantage of juicing is that you can make a combination of varied fruits and vegetables to make your juices more healthy or even tastier. Here are a few options you may try out:
1. Leafy green vegetables
2. Cranberries
3. Pomegranates
4. Cucumber
5. Apple
6. Orange
7. Carrot
You may even add some healthy oils like olive oil or walnut oil to add some healthy fat to your juices. You can also make a mixture of your own choice of fruits and vegetables when juicing for weight loss.